Decent Work

Conditions of employ­ment have chan­ged. In recent years there has been a dra­ma­tic increase in pre­ca­rious work. We notice worse pro­s­pects of regu­lar employ­ment and an incre­a­sing effort that employees have to put into the time that they are working. We argue for ano­ther Working environ­ment - the huma­niza­tion of work.

  • Lionel Fulton Labour Reseach Department London,
  • Steffen Lehndorff, University of Duisburg-Essen,
  • Erika Mezger, Eurofound, Dublin,
  • Andrew Watt, IMK,
  • Hans-Jürgen Urban, IG Metall exe­cu­tive committee

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