Global Inequality

On the one hand, there are deve­lo­ping or newly indus­tria­li­zed coun­tries like the BRICS mem­bers, which are dis­tin­gu­is­hed by their large, fast-growing eco­no­mies. At the same time, we rea­lize grin­ding poverty and Economic Backwardness in many African sta­tes. We request glo­bal solu­ti­ons to cli­mate change and poverty reduction.

  • Christiane Benner, IG Metall exe­cu­tive committee,
  • Patrick Bond, University KwaZulu-Natal,
  • Gaochao He, University Guangzhou,
  • Kemal Ozkan, indus­ti­All global,
  • Valter Sanches, Brasilian Metalworkers’ Union (CNM), Sao Paulo,
  • Christoph Scherrer, GLU & Universität Kassel

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